Friday, January 28, 2011

Ice, Ice, Baby!

   With everything you have read and as we talk about the origins of the Cold War, I want to spend some time developing our understanding so we can begin to formulate our own perspectives. We will begin this process by identifying what you believe, at this point, to be the primary social, political, and economic causes of the Cold War. Second, in your view, is there a primary cause? If so, what is it? If not, why not? Third, is either the USSR to blame, the US to blame, both to blame, or is nobody to blame for causing the Cold War?

Since you may be thinking about this for the first time, your opinions may be subject to change over time, and that is okay. If your opinion does not change, that is fine as well. As long as your perspective is based on sound logic and fact, this is a success. To help facilitate this process, review and comment on a minimum of 3 of your classmates posts. This should help you question your own perspective and form a better, more conclusive understanding. I am genuinely looking forward to reading what you have to say!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Emperor Without His Clothes

After reading Bullock, pages 448-461, 3 of you will pose a question or provide your perspective or thoughts by Saturday at 5pm. The rest of the class will comment on each of the three posts by Tuesday.
Ben - post based on reading pages 448-452
Melissa - post based on reading pages 453-457
AJ - post based on reading pages 458-461

See you Tuesday!

Monday, January 10, 2011

"We have only to kick in the door"

For the Bullock reading, pages 381-400:
Abby - question/comment/thoughts on Germany vs. Russia
Alysa - question/comment/thoughts on "Monroe Doctrine for Europe" and the "European New Order"
Lauren - question/comment/thoughts on Hitler's war time leadership abilities or decisions

For the rest of the class, please comment on each of the above blogs. Thanks!

Friday, January 07, 2011

"How Many Died? Who Knows the Number?"

Once again, complete the Gilbert reading pages 301-319 and comment on/question/answer the follwing 3 questions: (1) Why did the Germans invest so much time and resources into rocket and jet technology? (2) Which was Hitler's priority in WWII: restoring German greatness, elimination of Europe's Jewish population, making a name for himself, or other? (3) Was the US decision (here you go Kaylan!) to drop the atomic bombs on Japan a justified military necessity?

Thursday, January 06, 2011

"You Can't Smash Terror by Philosophizing"

As before, please read Gilbert 281-301 and comment/question/ or pose a thought in response to the following questions: (1) Is there really such thing as "war crimes"? If so, who determines guilt, and who determines what is a crime? (2) What would you identify as the official turning point of WWII and why? (3) Given the devastation suffered by the Russians during World War II, what would be their priorities after the eventual defeat of Germany in establishing a post-war settlement with the U.S. and Britain?

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

A Totally Total War

Read Gilbert 265-280 and respond to/question/or comment on the following 3 questions: (1) We know a lot about Hitler, but less about Stalin. Based on the reading, what do we know about Stalin and/or the intentions of the USSR? (2) World War II was entirely brutal, but the Eastern front was particularly horrific. Why? (3) Were both World Wars considered "total wars"? Please explain your reasoning.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Here we go again with another war!

Please comment on each of the following questions based on your reading of Goff 255-275. You can either answer my questions, respond to the comments of others, or ask a related question, but please comment in some form on each of the three. Do your best!

First, Hitler knew that a 2-front war should be avoided at all costs so he established the Nazi-Soviet Pact, guaranteeing that the USSR does not get involved. Why did he get attack the USSR, and should this be considered the turning point in the war? Second, would the US have entered WWII if there were no war in the Pacific (i.e. no attack on Pearl Harbor) Third, how had war "evolved" between WWI and WWII and what were the results?