Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Fighters, the Strategy, or the People?

Based on the reading and your understanding of WWI at this point, which factor do you feel was the most significant in contributing to victory for the Allied Powers and defeat for the Central Powers: the war on land, the war at sea, or the war at home? The war on land refers to the actual fighting on the ground, the trench warfare, the majority of the fighting of WWI took place on land. The war at sea refers to naval strategies of both alliances, and in a war of attrition, this played a vital role. The war at home refers to the home front, contributions made by citizens as well as popular support for (or oppostition to) the war.

First, add a comment which provides your response to either the above question or to the posted comments.

Next, create a post using any of your questions posed on the homework (Gilbert 80-98).

Lastly, comment on/answer the questions of 3 of your classmates. Let me know in class if you are having difficulty posting comments.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Whose story of WWI? His story? Her story? No, historiography of WWI!

Having examined the main arguments of revisionist historian Sidney Bradshaw Fay and anti-revisionist historian Fritz Fischer, now it is time to formulate your own perspective. Is Germany primarily responsible for plunging the world into an horrific world war? Were they equally responsible but not primarily responsible? Or were they dragged into the war as a result of their alliance with Austria-Hungary? The facts agree, but the perspectives do not. Which perspective do you feel has more merit?

On your blog, create a post in response to the above questions. Be objective and balanced in explaining your perspective, meaning that you should not only explain why you agree with Fay or Fischer but also explain why you disagree with Fay or Fischer. Use their words and arguments as well as factual information to show how you have formed your own viewpoint, as your post should reflect an understanding of the opposing perspectives. Then, read and comment on at least 3 other blog posts. I am looking forward to reading your blogs!