Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The times they are a changin'...

We see a rise in totalitarianism in the 1920's and 1930's: Spain (Franco), Germany (Hitler), the Soviet Union (Lernin/Stalin), Italy (Mussolini), Japan (Military Rule).  First, in your educated opinion, which is the greatest COMMON factor that led to these acts of desperation? Second, what similarities, if any, can you identify between the world of 1933 (the year Hitler became dictator) and 2010? Third, were Germans to blame for the rise of Hitler?

Homework directions...and...not all polls are wrong

For our next assignment, complete the latest Goff reading assignment. The corresponding questions do not need to be answered but are meant as a guide. Use them as you feel appropriate. Rather than having everyone post and adding 3 comments as we have done in the past, this time we will do things a little differently.

I have created a post based on the reading (listed above this post). Respond, agree, disagree, add a comment, or ask a question that you feel needs clarification. I know that this is similar to the how you (brilliantly) responded to my Wilson post, but next time I will assign the post to 3 of you, and the rest of the class will be commenting on those posts. The value of the blog is the creation of a dialogue and thus a deeper understanding, and I think this will best facilitate that.

Lastly, not all polls are wrong. However, I do appreciate your critical thinking and skepticism.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

An unrealistic idealist or a man ahead of his time?

Happy Thanksgiving!

For today, continue to listen to the available podcasts and complete the notes. Once completed with that complete the following steps: (1) comment on my post below (2) create a post on your blog, based on the effects of WWI, using the notes sheet to develop a question, comment, or perspective which you think requires further discussion or consideration, and (3) comment on at least 1 other student blog post (the one on the effects of WWI).

As the war was dragging on, Woodrow Wilson realized that offering a peaceful and forgiving settlement would help bring about the end of the war. His reasoning was that if Germany was not severely punished under terms of unconditional surrender, they would be more likely to agree to peace. This was the purpose of the 14 Points in which he outlined 3 goals: (1) prevent future wars by upholding freedom of the seas, ending secret alliances, and limiting militarism, (2) settling border problems in Europe, and (3) the creation of a League of Nations. His ideas were "agreed to" and an armistice occurred. During negotiations in Versailles, Germany learned that the Allies were not intent on being as forgiving as they originally stated. One result, against the protest of Wilson, was a humiliated and severely punished Germany which eventually led the world to a second world war. Was Wilson unrealistic, naive, and overly idealistic which caused his plans to fail? Or was he a man of genius who was ahead of his time and that, should his ideas been followed (including the US joining the League of Nations), would have prevented World War II?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Podcasts and more...

Once you "export as wav" file, save the final podcast with the appropriate title (for example: Treaty of Versailles, Freud and Nietzsche)

Once that is completed let me know and I will put it into the L drive. From that point, listen to the podcasts of your classmates by accessing them through the folder "HOTA Podcasts". Listen to the podcasts of your classmates and use this information to complete the "notes" sheet.