Wednesday, September 21, 2011


To prepare for tomorrow's discussion, you need to post a comment which relates to my post below titled "War is Outdated" (If it is not shown, click on "September" under "Blog Archive"). It can be a response to my post or it can be a response to a comment on that post. Second, you need to post on your blog a question, answer, or thought in reaction to the 4 major discussion questions listed here:
1. What force(s) is(are) driving the MAIN (Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism) causes of     WWI?
2. Why did Norman Angell's argument prove to be incorrect?
3. Assess the importance of the Agadir Crisis and the territory of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
4. Why wasn't WWI prevented?
Lastly, read the blog posts of your classmates and comment on their thoughts or answer their question.

If you accomplish the above, tomorrow should be an incredible discussion in which all of you have answers to the questions and will have much to say. I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

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